TeamViewer with Capabilities beyond Just Remote Access
This terrific Screen-sharing program serves as a remote access tool to share and transfer files and applications among remote computers situated on different locations on planet Earth. This remote sharing and file transferring facility can accommodate world-wide users with multifarious facilities such as accommodating business collaborations, helping someone remote by diagnosing and fixing the anomalies in his computer and many more benefits as well. All those essential tools required to securely share screens and transfer files are encapsulated in this little piece of gem.
The Main Interface Window
The main interface window of TeamViewer application is very user-friendly and not very hard to master at all. Equipped with lots of easy-to-use options, it allows the user to maximize the pane of the other computers screen alongside multifarious options from a drop-down toolbar in the centre as well. You cannot miss the huge X that is available to close the connection anytime. There is also another important button commonly identified by the name of Actions Button that allows you to reboot the machine remotely, to disable the remote input and to switch the user who is in control as well. The Actions Button is the main button which is associated with key actions of this control.
View Menu in TeamViewer
You cannot miss the View Menu of TeamViewer armed with multifarious functions related to views. For example this menu is required whenever the user need to control multiple-monitor displays or he need to alter the screen resolution etc. If the user craves to adjust the optimization level to adjust the speed and quality of the application, he has to use the View Menu to do so as well. The adventure doesn’t end here as TeamViewer is also capable of providing various audio and video chatting facilities including VoIP audio and video conferencing and the teleconferencing facility. The TeamViewer is the real program that can accommodate users with all these complex facilities still keeping the quality and speed intact.
Data Safety during the Screen-Sharing & File-Transferring Operation
The best part of utilizing the superb services of TeamViewer is the underlying safety of data during the run. The whole operation of screen sharing and file transferring is done with full encryption to avoid data safety issues. This is the reason that its operational capabilities are beyond just remote access. The access code and password during the initial run allow you to set the level of control you want during the screen sharing and file transferring process. Furthermore when you connect to a remote computer, the connection is recorded in TeamViewer servers as well. This also helps you to speedily reconnect to the computer again in the future. Another gem of using TeamViewer application is that it has a web-based version which you can easily use to remotely connect to your home computer via public computer. This is the most enticing software that has taken screen sharing and file-transferring ventures to new heights. I’d like to give it full marks as it’s really a must-have type of program both for novice and professional computer experts.
Download – TeamViewer